
Common Gynecological Problems: Menorrahagia

This is frequent menses, with heavy flow, which is prolonged. The cycle can occur every 15 days, with heavy flow lasting for 7-15 days. This is common at the onset of menopause and during its course. This can be due to uterine disease, like fibroids of the uterus, bulky uterus etc. Excessive tiredness and backache are common symptoms as a result of the prolonged flow.
It is important to address this issue immediately to prevent anemia and other complications. Ayurvedic medicines offer a very good alternate treatment to surgery. The need for hysterectomy or removal of the uterus can be prevented with the medication. Fibroids regress with the treatment and recurrence, and the symptoms from the fibroids can be prevented. The constitutional ayurvedic treatment is good for preventing and treating these conditions.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are tumors or lumps made of muscle cells and other tissue that grow within the wall of the uterus. Fibroids may grow as a single tumor or in clusters. A single fibroid can be less than one inch in size or can grow to eight inches across or more. A bunch or cluster of fibroids can also vary in size.
Most fibroids grow within the wall of the uterus. Fibroids are put into three groups based on where they grow, Sub mucosal fibroids grow just underneath the uterine lining; Intramural fibroids grow in between the muscles of the uterus, Subserosal fibroids.
Following menopause, when estrogen is no longer produced, tumors tend to shrink and even disappear. Obesity and hypertension increase the risk of fibroids. Fibroids grow when taking birth control pills containing estrogen.


The condition is many times asymptomatic. The symptoms may show up when the fibroid is of a significant size.
  • Painful periods
  • Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding (which may lead to iron deficiency or anemia)
  • Backache
  • More frequent or uncomfortable urination caused by pressure on the bladder
  • Feeling of fullness or pressure in the lower abdomen
  • Pelvic pain
  • Infertility or miscarriage in younger women.
Yoga - regular practice of yoga helps in improving the general health of the uterus. Yogasanas aimed at the abdomen and pelvis helps in maintaining the circulation to the uterus and the ovaries thereby creating a balance of the hormones.