
Normal Menstruation

Menstruation is an important part of being a woman. Every woman goes through three stages of menstruation in life - menarche or beginning of the menstrual cycle (usually 12 - 14), normal menstrual cycle (usually 15 - 40) and menopause or withdrawal of menstruation cycle (41 -47). A woman can conceive only during normal menstruation cycle.

Normal menstruation or the period occurs as a result of cyclic hormonal changes. The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries, the uterus and the fallopian tube which connects the two, and the vaginal outlet.

The ovaries produce eggs (ova) and are the main source of female hormones, which control the development of female body characteristics such as the body shape, breasts, and body hair. During each monthly menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through the Fallopian tube to the uterus. Unless pregnancy occurs, the cycle ends with the shedding of part of the inner lining of uterus, which results in menstruation. The day on which the period begins is counted as the first day of the cycle.

Menstruation stops with the change in the hormones at the age of 41- 47, and this is known as menopause.